James 4:14 couldn't be clearer to me today as I have been reflecting on my life over the last couple of weeks. Where did that time go? I have been challenged in many different areas of my life and have taken some steps to really get my life and my families lives in line with the will of God for our lives. It hasn't been easy and I have really battled pride throughout the process. I long to truly live out God's calling for my life and have been finding so many obstacles in the way, nothing major, just lots of little things that tend to get in the way. After a lot of prayer, I was able to give my notice at work that I wanted to move from part-time to PRN (as needed). I have struggled so much with this decision, but God had continued to give me confirmation on my decision and remind me...it's not about me, it's about Him!
My family & I are on the countdown...5 days until we leave for Disneyworld! We are truly a bundle of emotions! We had Ashtyn's "Send off party" this past Saturday with the Make-A-Wish foundation and let me tell you what, it was all we could do to not cry the entire time. It's one of those bitter-sweet moments in life, your excited to go & have this opportunity with your family, but in the mean time, you would rather be there paying your own way with a totally healthy child. Yet, on the other hand, we are so humbled and thankful for the opportunities God has given us with this trial. We have been blessed by so many amazing people in our lives, who have joined us in this battle, prayed for us, cried with us, encouraged us and totally loved us with the love of the Lord. It is truly humbling. We are truly blessed beyond compare.
As I watch the girls each day their anticipation and excitement continue to grow & grow & grow. They are so precious! Ashtyn is packing and unpacking everyday. She'll pack her favorite blanky that she sleeps with each day in hopes that the next time she unpacks it we will be at Disneyworld. I look so forward to the time with them, to allow them to be totally kids, away with just Greg & I, a family blessed by God and our church family!
This new series at church is awesome! Greg & I read the book back in March or April and it truly blessed & encouraged us, I cannot wait to see how it ignites MH's and blesses the Parkland as we all walk across the room! Our church is incredibly blessed by an amazing staff who continues to encourage us, motivate us and feed us with the Word of God! So to you Bryan, MAC, Michael, J-miah, Greg P, Brent and last but certainly not least Greg A. (my best friend & husband) THANK YOU for loving us, loving God and living a missional life that challenges and encourages each of us!
Father God, I thank You for the beautiful life you have blessed me with, my family, friends, church and church family! I thank you for your calling not only for my life, but for the lives of my family and I pray that you would continue to use us to glorify You, that people will see us and know that You are a God who lives within us, strengthens us, loves us, heals us and fills us with a peace that passes all understanding. May they see You in not only our trial, but in the challenges they face daily and know that all they have to do is call on Your name. I pray that you will bless our staff and their tremendous efforts, may they be filled with Your peace, strength, knowledge, wisdom and understanding in the coming months, guide and direct them Father in a way that only You can. I love you so much, and I thank you for your amazing grace and love!
How Renting Storage Space Can Simplify Your Move
5 months ago