God has been moving so much in and through different things in my life...from different scriptures He places on my heart, or songs that have been influencing me over the last several weeks. Natalie Grant has a song called "In Better Hands" that has just blown me away, this song couldn't have come at a better time. You can check it out here, but be prepared...get some tissue and truly reflect on each word, they couldn't be more true. With God we are all truly in better hands than we can imagine and think about it...is there honestly a safer place than the mighty hands of God to place our lives and the lives of our children? Not a chance!!!
Ashtyn did amazing yesterday! We made a boo-boo yesterday morning and allowed her to have a couple drinks of a protein shake (the child was miserable) so her MRA was delayed for 6 hours. DUH!! I'm a nurse for goodness sake and know all that, but the mommy in me definitely took over! But, I think it was better for her, she was able to chill with us and her grandparents which allowed her to relax. The anesthesia went well and she came out of it wonderfully. We think they had put some sort of "truth serum" in it, she was quite hilarious for the rest of the evening.
We are so thankful for all the prayers that have gone up on Ashtyn and our behalf and we are so incredibly thankful for the faith that stands behind them as well. We serve an amazing God!! One who will heal her and perform a miraculous miracle IF it is His will. I don't mean to sound weird, because believe me, if there is anyone who believes that He can perform miracles and healing, I do, I have witnessed that amazingness on many occasions, in my own life and in this trial itself. But I want to make sure that when we display that faith to "non-believers" or those struggling with their belief, that we are very careful, that we display our trust totally in Him no matter what His will is, and that they understand that everything is in His timing and that there is a purpose for everything. I don't know if it makes sense, but if it isn't His will to perform a miraculous healing, but chooses to use this precious life to lead people into life changing relationships with Him, I don't want them to look at our Lord as one who "failed us". I want them to look at Him in awe for all He has allowed to happen in and through our lives. I want them to see the love and strength He has supplied in our lives and the miracles He has performed in her breaking her leg so we knew she was sick, that He has allowed her body to make such awesome collateral circulation to supply blood to her brain, kidneys and legs, I honestly could go on and on, and I want them to see the healing that has taken place in the lives and hearts of many as they witness the strength of this precious child that can come only from God. God tells us to go boldly to Him with our requests and I can guarantee I have and will continue to go boldly to Him on behalf of Ashtyn, I will continue to pray for a miracle to be performed so all the glory will go directly to Him, and I will also continue to go humbly before Him, thanking Him for all the many gifts He has already given us and pray according to His will, not mine.
As a mom and a Christ follower, this has been my prayer from the very beginning and I pray that you can see what it is my hearts yearns for...for God to be glorified no matter what His plan is for this trial, because honestly, it's all about Him, we wouldn't have this precious life it weren't part of His amazing plan. Philippians 4:13 has been a scripture that through my life I have always held onto and one I have prayed over my children on a daily basis. We can do all things through Christ who gives us strength and I thank Him for the strength He has supplied!
Father, I come humbly today, praying that Your will will be done, I pray that if it is Your will, You will heal Ashtyn, I pray that lives are changed through this precious life, that they see the beauty of Your love, grace and strength in our lives. Use us Lord in a way that only You can, may we be the salt and light of the earth as You have called us to be. May the weak say they are strong, the poor say they are rich and the lost seek and find You, and I pray that our lives are used to point them directly to You. Your love amazes me and I thank You for being the Lord of our lives! I thank You for the many prayer warriors in our lives and for the faith You have given us, continue to bind us together and strengthen us as we go boldly in Your name to impact Your world. I love You and give You all the praise and the glory forever!!
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