"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine." ~Proverbs 17.22
What an awesome day this was! Although I am not a big snow fan, today placed new light on the weather for me. Like the scripture above says, "A merry heart", I have a total merry heart right now. Greg, the girls and I decided to have some friends over to enjoy some chili, games and snow play and it was a total blast!! I honestly don't know who were the bigger kids...Hannah, Ashtyn, Emilee, Taylor, Champ or Heidi...Penny, Melissa, Heather & myself...or Greg, MAC and Goldie. By my voting, I give the "boys" the big medal of playfulness. (Have you ever seen 3 men get a cardiovascular workout by playing ping pong??? Sweat and all???) But I have to give the "girls" and I a huge badge of courage for braving the elements with three "grown" men. We were pretty suave by sneaking out the basement door and making an arsenal of snowballs to pelt them with AND we did sled down the hill a hundred times with not just the kids, but all 3 of us on the sled. AND then we were crazy enough to let the boys ramp us off our flower bed to what felt like a 10 foot drop. What fun!! I only wish I had Penny's pictures to post!
Thanks for the great day everyone! You blessed our hearts and day tremendously!!
God, I come to You today so thankful for the amazing people You have placed in our lives. I thank you for what each one brings to our lives and the gifts You have blessed each of them with that ignites Meadow Heights with Your love and vision. Thank You for the snow, the laughs, the memories and Your love for one another we were able to share today. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You...
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