Woo-Hoo!! Tomorrow is "Race Day" and I am totally pumped. Not because I am ready...because I have only trained 3 days in the last two weeks with all the craziness, but moreso because with this little training it is going to truly allow me to totally rely on God's strength and power, not mine! Sounds crazy huh? Being excited when I am a lot less prepared than I had planned...but that is what this journey is all about to me...glorifying God, depending on Him and persevering in His strength. It brings to light that I can plan all I want, but when it comes to humbling Yourself to Him and allowing Him to work in and through you, you really have to take each day as it comes.
I'll be the first to admit that as my training was slipping to the wayside, being the competitive person I am, I was starting to fret about how my time was going to be at the race. I tend to compete heavily with myself not really others, so I was struggling. But I feel great today as I have said "so long self" and this is all about You God. It's all about those who cannot run this race and truly humbling myself to Him and gaining just a teeny tiny glimpse of the pain that He went through for us that has allowed this week to be so amazing for our family. He gave His life for us and I want to use this one and only life to glorify Him in any way I can. I know it is impossible to outgive God, but I'm giving Him my all to Him and going to thank and praise Him the entire race...pain and all!
It's all for You God, All FOR YOU!!
How Renting Storage Space Can Simplify Your Move
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