As I sit and reflect over this past weekend in Chicago with Greg, as we celebrated our 10th anniversary, I am totally in awe with all that God allowed us to experience.
I am usually one who HATES (I know that is a strong word, but is rather true)driving long distances, but I would take this ride over and over again if I could. That 5 1/2 hour drive to Chicago was SUCH a blessing. God allowed Greg & I reflect over the last 10 years of our life and started to unfold a new vision He has for our family. We were able to share our hearts, our passion, our vision and what and how we desire to serve God together and in our individual lives. The entire weekend was filled with vision casting and I am so pumped to see how it all unfolds!
We stayed right smack dab in the middle of downtown Chicago Friday night which was amazing and then Saturday morning we went sight seeing. The weather was horrible, but we didn't let that ruin our trip. We had so much fun, just being Greg & Ragen, the couple God placed together 14 years ago. Don't get me wrong, we love our children with all our hearts, but this was truly a time our hearts yearned for and our souls really needed. Saturday afternoon we headed to another town, closer to Willow Creek, to another hotel to stay. I wish I could say this hotel was as awesome as the first, but I will spare you with the gross details of the first room we had there, definitely a memorable moment in our trip. (one of those that makes your skin crawl) We ate at the Cheesecake Factory which was amazing. We were seated right in the middle of two other tables, one of those moments you could have had a more private conversation with the stranger on either side of you rather than the person you are with, but it was so cool, as we started to dream of God's vision for us and our family, everyone else seemed to drift away, the food was great and the cheesecake was AWESOME, but nothing can compare to what God was cultivating in our hearts during those moments.
Then, came Sunday morning, after having the free breakfast we were given to mend the awful memories of our first room there, we headed to Willow Creek Community Church. It was so exciting to finally be able to experience this church, to see Billy Hybels speak in person was cool, and the message was great. The message was one of those that you swear they knew what you were thinking or what was on your heart when you walked through the room. Their new mission "Hungry" touched my heart and confirmed the vision that God has for Greg, the girls & I. But I have to say, as awesome as this experience was, I LOVE our church and the people that make Meadow Heights what it is and the people we do it for. I guess I am partial, but I truly missed worshiping with our Meadow Heights family. You may think I'm pitiful, but it's totally true.
All I have left to say is, WHAT AN AMAZING WEEKEND!!
Thanks Greg for sharing life with me and for this amazing weekend. I look forward to all that God has in store for us and our family in the upcoming years and can't wait to watch it all unfold with you.
God, I thank You for this amazing time with Greg, I thank You for all You revealed to us and the vision You gave us for our family. I pray that it will all be worked out according to Your will and in Your timing. Thanks so much for the Ephesians husband You've blessed me with. Thank You for rekindling, reconnecting, reuniting and reviving our hearts and souls.
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