Today as I have been sitting around thinking about life, I found myself incredibly overwhelmed. The last week has been crazy and I couldn't quite put into words what my heart has been feeling besides truly overwhelmed and quite honestly frustrated and distressed with a hint of bitterness. As I watch Greg struggling it totally breaks my see the person you love so much hurt so bad is heart wrenching. He is such an amazing husband and dad and to see him feeling so frustrated because he can't be the "strong" one is hard. I know God has plans for this trial, but honestly I have been struggling with this whole situation. Where has my faith been? Not where it should be I can tell you that. As a wife who is striving to be strong for her husband, hold the house together, and a as a mom who is preparing things for Ashtyn's surgery my focus has been in bad shape. So this afternoon as I was feeling tons of self-pity I had the nudge to read the devotion for today from our 50 Promises of Faith daily guide and what an awesome "wake-up" call I received. So I wanted to share it as a reminder to myself where I was today and what brought my faith back into perspective, focusing on the God who loves me more than I could ever fathom!!
"And we know that in all things God words for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28
What's good about my problems? Nothing, that's what! That's the wrong question, the wrong angle. Problems are not good-they are terrible, sinful things. Problems are an evidence that there is evil in this world-and if you want you can drive yourself into bitterness thinking about what an evil place this world can be.
What good can God work through my problems-there's the right angle. God works miracles ever day. He takes the evil of problems and suffering and miraculously transforms them into good in our lives.
IN all things...God works...for the good...of those who love Him.
The two most important words int his verse may very well be at the beginning: "We know." How can you and I "know" this? How can we live with the deep inner conviction that even when life is going bad God is still working good?
This verse gives us a recipe for building this sense of security into our lives. The promise is that God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. The twin foundations of this conviction are my love for the Lord and my willingness to live out His purpose. When problems hit, those are the two things that I can focus on that will bring a new sense of security and stability into my life!
By the way, if you're still asking, "What good can problems work?" Roman 8:29 reveals that they have the power to make you more like Jesus! God has the power to take the worst that life throws at us and use those circumstances to form the heart and character of Jesus in us. Your problems are not good, but God IS good.
By Tom Holloday
If these problems can make me more like Jesus...bring it on!! There is no one else that I would rather be like.
Father God, thank You for the "wake-up" call, thank You for Your amazing love and grace and for Your patience for Your children. I pray that You would continue to reveal Your will for my life with new clarity. Fill us with Your peace and strength. Be with all those whose hearts are hurting God, may they feel Your presence and Your peace like never before. I pray that Your peace and healing would reign in Greg & Ashtyn's hearts and lives. Protect them and guide them. May You be forever glorified in our lives...
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