No More Pretending
Song Lyrics by Scott Krippayne
I can look good when I want to
I know the right things to say
I cover up what I don't want you to see
But you see it anyway
Maybe I think I can fool you
Maybe I'm fooling myself
I want to change but I don't know how
And I need your help
No more pretending
No more pretending
Lord, I know I need to tell you the truth tonight
But everything is not alright in my life
And I need you like never before
I don't want to pretend anymore
I'm tired of hiding my weakness
I'm tired of trying to look strong
I don't want to say that every thing's fine
When there's so much that's wrong
Tell me again that you love me
Though it's more than my heart understands
And I will lay down my disguises
And show You who I am
Repeat Chorus
As I was in the service this weekend and Bryan shared about being "real" a song that I've held dear for several years now called "No More Pretending" popped right back into my heart. This song has been with Greg & I through some pivotal moments in our marriage and as individuals, I can name the time and place I first heard it...probably even the candle scent that was burning that morning in the church, when a very precious friend of ours sang this song...that moment was a God moment in our marriage and for me personally, a life-changing moment, we could honestly feel His loving arms wrapped strongly around us pointing our lives and our marriage in a direction that only He could. For that moment I am forever thankful.
Bryan's message for this weekend really brought home the importance of not just being present in our walk, but truly desiring and pursuing the amazing God we love and serve. His desire is to have a relationship with us,a REAL relationship...for us to know that He is right here beside us at all times, by the greatest cost of His own Son.
As I look forward to the year 2008 I look forward to the challenge of being "real" and I challenge whoever may be reading this to be real and to do whatever it takes to pursue Him and desire Him and an amazing relationship with Him.
I don't know about you, but I am so pumped!!! I cannot for next witness one of the many fingerprints of see the many faces the He watch and be blessed as we see lives impacted and transformed by this amazing opportunity God has placed before watch Him move and bless in this coming year!!
I send out a challenge...don't be a prisoner to pretending, open up, let God free you from that prison, a simple, yet sincere prayer will be the start of a new journey, a start to an incredible, amazing freedom that can come only from Him.
This morning in my quiet time as I was gathering some different material for a New Year's eve devotional I came upon the video below and it blessed my heart tremendously and wanted to share it with you. As we get ready for the launch 1 week from today, this message couldn't have been more clear to me that God truly has brought us to this awesome moment for a reason, He can and will use each of us if we are willing and open to His plan. So this video touched me, the lyrics really brought home that this life is about loving God and people and helping lead them into life changing relationships with Jesus. We just have to be willing...someone to care.
Father, I thank You for Bryan and his obedience to bring this weekend's message, I thank You for the clarity that You brought to me through it and I pray that You will continue to bless the Meadow Heights staff, members and attenders with clarity, vision and purpose in the coming year. I pray for all those who are searching, I pray that You would bless them with an indescribable conviction and clarity of what You desire for their lives. Mold me, make me, use me Father to glorify You and further Your amazing Kingdom.
I pray boldly for Greg and all the volunteers Lord, bless them their families as they give so much of themselves and their gifts and never let us forget that it is all about You and Your people. I pray Your will be done and thank You for Your constant loving presence at the site and for the safety and vision You continue to bless each person with. May You forever be glorified...
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